Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday morning snow

It was a bit of a surprise to have the NPR announcer tell us that the light snow would continue through morning.  Wait, what?  Snow, what? C'mon man, it's winter - do you... oh, wait.

My commute was easy, until I could see the parking lot.  I skidded my way to a stop sign (four-way stop) and then watched the car on the downhill slide his way to a full stop.  I figured it was likely, but I don't usually get to watch someone's tires lock up while the car still moves.  Once I knew he wasn't going to hit me, I proceeded.  The rest of the day should be okay, but it's actually winter cold out there.  Who says that's okay?

Busy week, too.  Two faculty candidates and a graduate recruitment to keep us on our toes.  Today's candidate immediately walked up, introduced himself, and shook my hand.  So unusual and it's usually with the more junior.  Perhaps he is junior, but he isn't fresh out of grad school new.  It was quite pleasant to just chat with him for a few minutes, before his insane two days gets underway.

I'd rather be home, knitting!

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